This past weekend we joined Re:Craft and Relic once again for their winter market. They have markets every January, April and November and we always look forward to being a part of them. In fact, last January was our first market ever in Wisconsin -- which means it's been a full year of business for Sozo in Wisconsin {if you didn't know, we used to live in Washington state and started our business there}. It was a pretty sweet weekend!It's crazy sometimes to look back and see how much you've changed. For us, our business has changed in a lot of ways as life has ebbed and flowed. We've learned so much along the way...and I know we still have a ways to go. We are a l w a y s learning, but I have to say - I'm proud of where we are today.
We brought a lot of new signs to the show this weekend and it was fun to see how loved they were. I thought I would share a few of the favorites from this weekend. If you click on the picture, it will take you to the listing on our website if you want to shop there! These flowers were by far the favorite. They all sold out within the first hour of the show! My mom had a set in her house and graciously let us take them on Sunday to sell and they also went within a few hours of the show being open. We have been experiencing a Polar Vortex (temps/windchill up to -55F!) so when I see these flowers it reminds me to hold out hope that spring is coming...soon!
This was another favorite that got a LOT of laughs! I guess I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one with a crazy family :) but hey, wouldn't trade it for the world. Here are a few more crowd favorites this weekend {to shop these signs, click here}...
Bradley knocked it out of the park this weekend with some killer pieces of furniture. Check out this stunning hutch. This is by far my favorite piece of furniture he has ever done. It's a beast too. It didn't sell this weekend, so we are taking it to Vintage Bliss in Beloit, WI if you want to check it out!
And then we also brought this hall tree + bench with us!
If you came out and shopped with us this weekend, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Re:Craft and Relic is one of my favorite shows because of the people...the customers who come, the people who run it + the vendors that are in it. It's really amazing, you guys! You should definitely come check it out sometime if you're local.
Our next show is taking us to Springfield, Illinois in March! We will be at Hobnob Hoopla Market on March 8 & 9. If you click here, it will take you to their Facebook page where you can get more information. And then the next Re:Craft and Relic is in April. Click here for the Facebook event page. Hope to see you soon! Stay warm, friends.