• LAST DAY FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13 // free shipping on orders over $100 + free in-store pick up •

About Us

We are Bradley and Courteney — the faces behind Lily and Sparrow, along with our team. Lily and Sparrow is a home goods shop, specializing in our own handcrafted wall art, along with a curated collection of home goods and apparel. At Lily and Sparrow, our mission is simple: to be your one-stop shop for all the things that make life beautiful. Whether you’re picking up something special for your home, a thoughtful gift for a friend, or a new outfit just for you, we’ve got you covered. We know just how valuable our time is. Our hope and prayer here at Lily and Sparrow is to make it easy to find just what you need—so you can spend your time focusing on what matters most and those you love the most. 

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