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Brand New Website! Here's What's New

Brand New Website! Here's What's New

We are super excited about our new website! There are a few new features that we didn't have on our old website, so I thought I would share about it with you here! We hope they are helpful to you and serve you well :)

Create an Account 

You can create an account on our website! I know this is a super basic feature, but we didn't have the ability to do this on our last website so I'm really excited about it. It will track your orders, save your address and hopefully make shopping a lot easier. To do this is really simple, click on "Log-In" in the top right-hand corner of our website and then you'll see this screen (above). Simply select "Create Account". All it will ask for is your name, email and password and that's it!

Low Inventory Highlights 

When we are low on inventory, our website will let you know! Do you see the little read text that says "only 2 left in stock" above the "Add to Cart" button? This way you can know if what you are looking for has low inventory.

 Search Bar

We now have a search bar — yay! In the top right-hand corner there's a little magnifying glass, if you click that this window will pop-up! Now you can search for signs here by their title. It will also search through our blog and entire website if there is something specific you are looking for.

Here's some other random updates:

  • Get text updates on your orders after you check out!
  • More payment options

And the best part about the new website is that we can continue to add new features too! If you couldn't tell, I'm a *little* excited about all of this. If you ever have any recommendations on things you'd like to see too, always feel free to reach out to us at!

That's all for now!


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